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Thursday, April 30, 2020

the tramp

Hedy Lamarr and James Stewart

WW2 Red Cross volunteers delivering coffee and donuts

at the donut shop

over and over in Goundhog Day

in the dressing and make up trailer

Barbara Stanwyck and Fred MacMurray

At a coffee shop in Pleasantville, Iowa


George W. Bush serves coffee during a visit to Grinnell, Iowa, on January 21, 2000

With a fork?

Hollywood director King Vidor drinking coffee with actress Eleanor Boardman

getting started, inspired by Steve

Thanks to Steve, who sent me this image, referring to my frequent "Coffee and Donuts" videos to start the day out with, over on my car blog.

Partially inspired by the "Rides a Bike" website, which simply posts about one photo a month of famous people riding bikes